This is a message I sent to The Creation guys, on YouTube, and at (
I spent a good while writing so I thought I'd share.
1. Intelligent Design is the same as creationism. It's a new name and packaging to sneak pure religion into science. When you say that there was a "Designer", that's supernatural, and you can't PROVE that by any means. Science is science for a reason, and that REASON and evidence.
2. VenomFangX is not a valid source on anything.
3. Scientists don't "cast their stories" on things. They don't make up stories. They take evidence and gather more and more evidence until their hypothesis can be tested. Whichever hypothesis is proven valid, that's the one they continue to test. Evolution has been proven. It's not scientific theory, it's not scientific's scientific observation.
Now you guys can believe whatever you want, but the truth is out there, if you bother to read the scientific data. It's's easy to understand, and it's staring you in the face. Do you realize how many processes and discoveries have been made using that very scientific data?
The world of medicine? Cures for diseases?
Understanding the human genome? Understanding the human brain and its development??
Dudes, if scientists just sat back and said "well this looks really complicated...god must have done it. we'll never be able to understand that"...nothing would ever get done. Religion is a dead end in the search for knowledge.
I know I'm not going to change your mind or make you see it my way (and the way of the rest of the intelligent world), but look...
Evolution does not attempt to explain the origins of everything. It explains accurately how we got to where we are today. There are many misconceptions held by creationists ABOUT evolution, and that's just have to do the research, that's all.
Let's say that God created everything. If you believe that, fine. It would be logical then to assume that he jumpstarted evolution. That evolution was his plan all along and that we were meant to discover the origins of his creation to become closer to him. Why is that so hard to grasp, if you're religious.
Maybe God didn't literally write the words in the Bible. Maybe the Bible isn't completely literal. In fact, most of it is downright crazytalk.
If you believe that God answers must know that he doesn't answer them literally right away, he allows for one to keep living and experiencing life, offering you opportunities to have your prayers answered.
If you ask God for love and peace and harmony, it won't happen...but he provides you with the chance to attain those things if you really want them.
I went to Catholic school for 12 years...I know the arguments and I know religion from science. In religion class we were taught religion and in science class we were taught science...and that's the way it should be.
To say that scientists are in any way shape or form debating the theory of evolution is insane...and it's not that that's the theory they chose and they're sticking with it. Science isn't democratic. They tested EVERY theory. If it weren't for Creationism, evolution would never even be thought of...all scientific discovery has a base in religion.
Religion used to be a way to explain the natural world, but we KNOW now that that's not true. The earth is NOT the center of the universe. It's not flat, and it doesn't have talking animals.
Also, I've been thinking about something for a long time that kinda bugs me.
Jesus Christ.
Now I know that Christ is just a title, not a last name...but "Jesus" is Greek. Nobody in that part of the world would have been named Jesus.
Jesus is the Greek translation of "JOSHUA" or (Hebrew) "YESHUA"...but there was already a Joshua in the Bible so they stuck with the Greek name...
I don't understand it though...why choose "Jesus" over "Yeshua BarYosef" which probably would have been his real name, if he existed.
Religious debate is funny never really gets you anywhere because it's by definition a parochial subject matter. Science, on the other hand, is meant to be open minded.
Dawkins said that he would be open to Intelligent Design BECAUSE he is a scientist. He is in no position to say "there is no god, definitely" because that would be irrational for a scientist to do. But he can, on the other hand, say that there is just as much probability for the existence of god as there is for the existence of unicorns, genies, and fairies. If they exist, the evidence isn't there.
I'm not sure what point I'm trying to make here. My only suggestion is that you read up on the ideas of natural selection and evolution before you criticize them unintelligently. It's not dogmatic, it's just reality. Just because we KNOW how it developed, doesn't mean there was no God guiding its process.
That's the point say that things are so complex that there must have been a designer (god)...well, fine. There's no PROOF of that, but you can have your intelligent design and evolution also. I lead my debate team on the position FOR intelligent design and found an overwhelming amount of evidence for it.
BUT...just because EVERYTHING in nature has a pattern and EVERYTHING in nature adheres to design basics and mathematics, that's just how nature works, and if God designed it that way, then he also guided evolution because we KNOW that to be factual as well.